The mission of The Catholic University of America as a community of students, faculty, administrators, and staff is to pursue the truth in all its forms through excellence as a Catholic university, excellence in graduate research and excellence in teaching and learning. Fulfillment of this mission by us as employees requires, among other things, that our workplace embody the Catholic principles of social justice, especially the benefits from working as a community of service towards a shared aim. This common vision entails the University commitment to:

  • Respecting the equal dignity of all those with whom we work, seeking to be partners to our fellow employees.
  • Eliminating every type of discrimination, whether social or cultural, whether based on sex, race, color, social condition, language, religion or national origin.
  • Recognizing and appreciating the work of employees through fair and equitable compensation program, taking into account the University's budgetary constraints, while offering benefits which reflect the institution's Catholic identity and support employees in balancing work and family life.
  • Providing safe and effective working conditions.
  • Encourage the initiative of our fellow employees, helping them make full use of their talents that they may better serve the common good of the University.
  • Support for employees developing professional skills and knowledge and using creative and innovation in service of the University's mission will be given

Those in our University community who are entrusted with leadership roles have a particular responsibility to see that the various workplaces in the University embody these commitments. In addition to practicing their commitment as described above, those who supervise other employees will also seek to promote excellence in the work of those they supervise by:

  • Clearly delineating job expectations and providing regular feedback on performance.
  • Taking an active role in helping those they supervise develop their skills and gifts.
  • Encouraging forthright and honest communication with and amongst those whom they supervise.

In order for all of us as CUA employees to attain the levels of excellence upon which the University's success depends, we need to commit ourselves to:

  • Support the institution's Catholic mission and respect its core values.
  • Treat all members of the public and the community with respect, courtesy, and professionalism.
  • Take the initiative in improving our knowledge, skills, and abilities.
  • Seek opportunities to collaborate with colleagues and contribute to effective teamwork.
  • Conduct all our interactions within the University community and on behalf of the University with the highest integrity and ethical standards.