The Sick Leave Advance Program ended on July 1, 2020.

In order to support the health of our employees and ensure they had Sick Leave to use when needed, the University offered a program to provide every employee with access to a minimum of 2 weeks of Sick Leave.  Under this program, from the earliest days of the pandemic, the University advanced days for employees with fewer than 10 days, to be offset by future leave accrual.  For example, an individual who had only two days of Sick Leave could nevertheless take up to 10 days of paid Sick Leave; the additional 8 days to be deducted from their Sick Leave as they earn it.

This program was replaced on July 1st, 2020, by a program that grants fifteen (15) additional days of paid sick leave for regular staff diagnosed with Covid-19.  The University requires the submission of documentation of a confirmed diagnosis to to receive this grant.

Please note, any days advanced previously with the Advance of Sick Leave program will still be repaid by future accrual.  But, in the event your use of this program was for a confirmed Covid-19 diagnosis, please contact to restore any advanced days as part of the new Covid-19 Paid Sick Leave program. 

Last Updated: 12/16/2020-v5