How do I access MyTime to do approvals?
Use the following address in the browser:
Log on with your Cardinal Credentials. -
How do I approve leave request?
When an employee submits a leave request the manager will receive a email notification “Time Off Request Created” the email will have a “Approve level 1” link and a “Deny request” link. All you have to do is click on the link. The employee will be notified that the request was approved or denied.
Note – the links expire after 48 hours.
What is the deadline for non-exempt employees to submit their time?
Employee time is due every other Friday by close of business for the just-ending pay period. For employees that work on Saturdays, time is due at 12 noon on the Monday after the pay period ends.
Please refer to the Biweekly Payroll Schedule for a list of pay periods.
What is the deadline for employee time to be approved?
Approvers must approve employees' time by 6:00 p.m. on the next business day for the just-ending pay period. This is normally 6:00 p.m. the following Monday.
For example, for the pay period ending Saturday 9/16/2023, approvers must approve employees' time no later than 6:00 p.m. Monday 9/18/2023.
How do I approve leave request if my link has expired?
Go to MyTime for managers.
- On your Dashboard go to “Pending Leave Request Approvals”
- Click the button “Jump to Request Manager”
(The Request Manager Calendar will be displayed) - Go to the date of the leave request
- Click on the Employees name
- Go to Manage Button
- Select “Approve Request Level1” or “Deny” from the drop-down list
- Click Ok (on the confirmation message)
- Status on calendar will change – if Approved text color will be green. If Denied text color will be red.
Note – the employee will receive notification that the leave request was approved or denied.
What do I do when the employee cancels an approved leave request?
When an employee cancels an approved leave request, you as the approver will receive notification that the request was canceled. There is no action for you as the approver.
What if the employee has multiple positions?
The approver can see the list of the employee's positions, so please select the position for which you are approving the hours.
If I am out on leave, who can approve my employees' hours?
Please contact the Office of Human Resources at HR-MyTime@cua.edu so a different approver for your employees can be set temporarily, or other arrangement made.