General Questions

  • What are the advantages of a biweekly pay frequency?

    • Standardized pay frequency for all employees
    • More efficient and effective time reporting
    • Reduction in manual adjustments needed
    • Employees are paid consistently every other week
    • Overtime hours worked are paid during the pay cycle in which they are worked
    • Vacation and sick leave balances are current
  • When did the change to biweekly pay take effect?

    For Non-Exempt Employees
    • On a semimonthly pay frequency in 2022, non-exempt employees received their last 2022 semimonthly paycheck on January 10, 2023
    • The first 2023 biweekly pay date is on January 13, 2023, for a one-week pay period that synchronizes them to the new biweekly frequency
    • Non-exempt employees receive three paychecks in January 2023
    For Exempt Employees
    • On a monthly pay cycle in 2022, exempt employees received their last 2022 monthly paycheck on December 21, 2022
    • The first biweekly pay date is on January 13, 2023, for a one-week pay period that synchronizes them to the new biweekly frequency
    • Exempt employees receive two paychecks in January 2023
  • Did this change the amount of my pay?

    No. There was no change to the amount of pay—everyone continues to earn the same salary—they simply receive their earnings more frequently, on a consistent schedule, for the same number of days of work, every two weeks.
  • Why not just pay everyone monthly?

    All employees cannot be moved to a monthly pay frequency because the law requires non-exempt employees be paid at least twice a month.
  • Was there an ability to opt out of the biweekly change?

    No. All employees transitioned to the biweekly pay schedule together on January 1, 2023.
  • How many biweekly pay dates are in a calendar year?

    A biweekly pay frequency covers a pay period of 14 days, beginning on a Sunday and ending on the second Saturday.

    You are paid every two weeks, giving a total of 26 pay periods in the 52-week calendar year.

  • Is my biweekly paycheck one-half of my monthly paycheck?

    Not quite. Your take home pay for a biweekly period is a little less than it would be on a semimonthly schedule, due to the annual salary being paid over 26 pay periods rather than 24.

    You receive the same annual salary, however.

    And, twice a year there are three paydates in a month rather than just two.

  • How does the new pay frequency affect my sick and vacation accruals?

    Employees continue to earn the same amount of annual leave and sick leave, but the frequency at which leave is accrued was updated to match the new biweekly frequency.
  • Can I get a list of the new biweekly pay dates?

    Yes, the pay dates are included in the Biweekly Payroll Schedule for 2023.
  • How was I able to get an idea of what my own 2023 paychecks would look like?

    The Projected Biweekly Paychecks self-service feature was available in Cardinal Faculty and Staff to display your projected Biweekly paychecks for 2023 in order to assist you in planning during the transition. This tool is no longer available after April 2, 2023. 

Time Reporting

  • What do "non-exempt" and "exempt” mean?

    Non-exempt employees are eligible for overtime under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and must record the time worked. Exempt employees are excluded from overtime. If you are unsure of your employment status, please refer to your pay stubs via Cardinal Faculty and Staff Employee Self Service. You may also contact in the Office of Human Resources for assistance.
  • Do all employees have to report their hours worked?

    All non-exempt employees have to report their time. Exempt employees report their use of leave.

    FLSA regulations require non-exempt employees to track their time worked by the hour and require that overtime be paid for work in excess of 40 hours in a workweek. To ensure that the University meets these obligations, non-exempt employees have always had to report time worked per day.

    Now that the transition to a biweekly pay frequency is completed, employees are on "positive pay," meaning there must be hours entered in order to generate a paycheck. Employee timesheets will be due consistently every other Friday by close of business for the just-ending pay period. For employees that work on Saturdays, timesheets are due at 12 noon on the Monday after the pay period ends.

  • How often are non-exempt staff paid for overtime hours worked?

    Under the new biweekly system, overtime wages are paid in the pay period in which they are earned. That is, when you submit your timesheet on the Friday of the ending pay period, payment for overtime hours worked is included in the paycheck you receive the following Friday for that pay period.


  • How did this change impact my deductions?

    Your deductions changed from monthly to biweekly beginning with your first biweekly paycheck in January 2023. The first biweekly check paid on January 13 was a special case: only retirement plan contributions, garnishments, and taxes are deducted. Please refer to the charts on the About Paycheck Deductions in 2023 page for information about specific deduction types.
  • I contribute to the 403(b) plan. When are my contribution taken?

    Employee contributions to the University's Defined Contribution Retirement Plan 403(b) (TIAA) are specified as a percentage, so the amount corresponding to the percentage you selected are deducted each biweekly pay period.

    In addition to a 403(b) employee contribution, employees may elect to have their salary reduced by an additional flat amount per pay period that is remitted to their TIAA account.

    If you had elected to contribute an additional flat amount in 2022 and wished to continue doing so in 2023, you needed to have completed and submitted a new 403(b) Salary Deferral Form by November 11, 2022. 

    Note: If the only Retirement Plan contribution is a percentage (no additional flat contribution amount), then a new form was not needed.

  • I have a garnishment deduction. How did the transition to biweekly pay affect the amount deducted for my garnishment?

    If the garnishment deduction is specified as a percentage of your earnings, a deduction occurs each pay period, up to the maximum deduction allowed, and based upon federal and state regulations. For example, a garnishment of 25% will continue to be deducted at the rate of 25% each pay period.

    If the garnishment deduction is a fixed flat-dollar amount, the amount was recalculated to a biweekly amount that is deducted each pay period.

Direct Deposit

  • Did I need to make changes to my Direct Deposit?

    If your direct deposit was set up so that percentages of your pay are deposited into one or more accounts, the same set up was applied to your new biweekly pay. No action was needed.

    If your direct deposit was set up so that flat dollar amounts are deposited, you needed to review these amounts to determine if changes were needed. For example, if you were paid monthly and had specified that a flat $50 be put into a savings account each pay period, if you make no changes, $50 will be taken each biweekly pay period, which will be a monthly direct deposit amount of $100 or $150. That may not be what you intended.

  • When do my Direct Deposits occur?

    Those who are set up with Direct Deposit will have their pay deposited according the Biweekly Payroll Schedule for 2023.
  • What if I use automatic online payments for bills?

    If you have automatic payments set up for any regular expenses, for example, mortgage payments, student loan payments, or car loan payments, to needed to work directly with your financial institution(s) and vendors to change payment dates as needed to accommodate the new biweekly pay frequency.


  • Did I need to make any changes to my taxes or withholdings?

    If you had an additional tax amount deducted from your paycheck in 2022, you most likely needed to recalculate that amount by taking your yearly goal amount and then divided by 26 for a biweekly amount.

    If you did not want the 2022 additional amount to be used for each pay, you needed to submit the appropriate tax form to Payroll Services to update your deduction. 

  • How was Federal tax withholding affected by the new pay frequency?

    Federal taxes continue to be withheld in accordance with the IRS W-4 form you have on file.

How to Prepare

  • How could I have prepared for the transition to biweekly pay?

    We provided the following suggested steps to help you prepare for the transition to the biweekly pay frequency: 

    • Review the information and examples in the About the January 2023 Biweekly Pay Transition page.

      In particular, exempt employees should note that the special one-week pay period at the start of January that serves to synchronize everyone to the biweekly frequency means that the two paychecks you receive on the January 13 and January 27 pay dates cover three weeks of work. The remainder of work done in January and in the first few days of February is paid on the February 10 pay date.

    • Review the Biweekly Payroll Schedule for 2023 to learn the dates you are paid under the new schedule. Adjust your automatic withdrawal or bill pay dates to align them with your new pay schedule.

    • Review your current Direct Deposit, Federal W-4, and State tax instructions, especially if you have a flat, constant amount being deducted from each paycheck, to make sure that the deductions are correct for the new biweekly pay frequency.


Additional Information